8:11 am, May 20, 2016
Letter from the Community Manager, May 2016

Greetings friends! My name is Seraphina “Celestrata” Brennan and I’m the Senior Community Manager here on ArcheAge. (If you don’t know that by now, you should totally drop by the forums or livestream sometime and hang out with us. Don’t be a stranger!)
It’s been 9 months since I started here at Trion Worlds. Sure, that’s not a huge amount of time, but we have had a HUGE amount of updates in that short span. We’ve awakened the Heroes (Update 2.0), heard the Bloodsong (Update 2.5), welcomed the Winter Maiden, played with Pawesome Autumn Pets, ate awkward amounts of candy during Hallowtide, rode the waves of the Rum Runner Rapids, added a new security suite to protect the game, and, and… Well I think you get my point by now. It’s been BUSY to say the least.
In keeping up the trend of new things, I want to start a new tradition for us here on ArcheAge. All of you are quite accustomed to seeing letters written by our esteemed Senior Producer, Merv Lee Kwai, but we haven’t yet taken the time to write a letter detailing what’s happening in our player community. We have so many big plans for this year, and I want to personally let all of you know what’s coming down the road.
Read more of this new letter on our official website!