7:11 am, December 21, 2017
Marketplace Update: Happy Holidays

Returning Packs, Crystal Wings & More!
Returning Archeum Packs and Holiday Costumes
The holiday nostalgia is powerful enough to bring back Archeum Packs of days past!
Archeum Ascension Pack (Dec 21 - Dec 26)
Modified: Labor Pots swapped out for Resplendent Scrolls

- 5,000 Credits
- 90 Days of Patron Status
- 5 Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scrolls
- 5 Resplendent Armor Regrade Scrolls
- 5 Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scrolls
- 700 Bound Tax Certificates
- Wrapped Otherworld Storage Chest
- 5 Red Regrade Charms
- 2 Superior Red Regrade Charms
- 2 Housing Décor Limit Increases +50
- 130-Slot Special Pirate Plushie Trove
- Wrapped Permanent Personal Post Owl
- Wrapped Lavaspark
Archeum Mistsong Pack (Dec 21 - Dec 26)
Modified: Used to be Bloodsong Pack, Labor Pots swapped out for Resplendent Scrolls, Birch Treehouse added, Superior Red Charms reduced from 3 to 2

- 5,000 Credits
- 90 Days of Patron Status
- 5 Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scroll
- 5 Resplendent Armor Regrade Scroll
- 5 Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scroll
- 700 Bound Tax Certificates
- Anywhere Warehouse
- 5 Red Regrade Charms
- 2 Superior Red Regrade Charms
- 2 Wrapped Skillsaver Pendants
- Full Kit: Birch Treehouse
- Wrapped Moby Drake (also grants Celestial Fishing Boat Propellant when unwrapped)
Holiday fashion seems to come back around as well! (Dec 21 - Jan 4)
- Noble’s Winter Coat
- Icekissed Winter Festival Costume
- Poinsettia Winter Festival Costume
- Winter Yata Costume
- Springsong Greenman Suit
Crystal Wings Crate

The Crystal Wings Crate (450 credits) can possibly include the following items:
- Common Drops:
- Green Regrade Charm
- Blue Regrade Charm
- Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight Archeum Essence
- Green Regrade Charm
- Uncommon Drops:
- Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight Archeum Crystal
- Sunpoint, Moonpoint, Starpoint
- Yellow Regrade Charm
- Sunlight, Moonlight, Starlight Archeum Crystal
- Rare Drops:
- Lucky Sunpoint, Moonpoint, Starpoint
- Prime Weapon/Armor Temper
- Superior Yellow Regrade Charm
- Red Regrade Charm
- Wrapped Crystal Wings
- Lucky Sunpoint, Moonpoint, Starpoint
- Very Rare Drops:
- Duun's Blessing
- Superior Red Regrade Charm
- Prime Weapon/Armor Temper
- Resplendent Weapon/Armor Temper
- Duun's Blessing
New Winter Costume - Dec 21 - Feb 1
You're ready for winter activities with this new Holiday Snow Cow Costume. You can also get this fantastic new dance: Wiggle!

Festive Furniture
'Tis the season to be merry, and what better way to spread the joy than by decking the halls of your house with festive furniture and holiday decorations!
Winter Wonderland Furniture Bundle - 4500 Credits
(worth 6400 credits, now at a 30% discount)
- Santa's Sleigh Bed
- Rudolph the Reindeer Table
- 2 Santa Clause Chair
- Santa Buddies Couch
- Santa Claus Coffee Table
- Tree Topper Bookshelves
- Santa Belly End Table
- 2 Festive Snowflake Rug
- Winter Wonderland Phonograph
- Gingerbread Lamp
- Festive Holiday Wreath
- 2 Winter Wonderland Window
- 2 Santa Buddies Partitions
- Santa Hearth Stocking
- Snowman Hearth Stocking
- Yata Hearth Decor

That's a lot of holiday cheer in one package!
Winter Wonderland Livingroom Furniture Bundle - 2000 Credits
(worth 2850 credits, now at a 30% discount)
- Santa Buddies Couch
- Santa Claus Coffee Table
- Tree Topper Bookshelves
- Santa Belly End Table
- Festive Snowflake Rug
- Gingerbread Lamp
- Festive Holiday Wreath
- Winter Wonderland Window
- Santa Hearth Stocking
- Snowman Hearth Stocking
- Yata Hearth Decor
All of these holiday items, and more, can be picked up individually as well!
Happy Holidays!
- The ArcheAge Team
1. http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?335678-Marketplace-Update-Happy-Holidays&goto=newpost