8:11 am, April 18, 2018
Quillodon: Parry and Block
Couple'a things that might help, here:1) This quote from the patch notes is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT: This means that evade/block/parry are no longer additive with each other. In 4.5 a character with 50% parry and 50% block can still be hit by melee attacks, as long as the attack successfully passes both rolls.2) This also means that the "order of mitigation" (since we can't really call it order of avoidance anymore) becomes a WAY bigger deal. Take the example above: if a character has 50% block and 50% parry, according to the order of mitigation (evade/block/parry) that means that he will be parrying FAR less that he used to. Because the game will first roll evade, then the remaining attacks will roll block, then any attacks that weren't evaded OR blocked will come up against the parry rate. This is a big difference from the additive system we had before, and is very important when considering anything that is triggered by evade, block, or parry.3) Evade/block/parry DO work vs critical hits. When i tested vs 66% pure block rate, roughly one out of 3 Blazing Arrows were critical strikes and the rest were blocked. (Well, technically 30% were crits out of 200 attacks. But close enough to put my mind at ease.)3) I threw together a quick example to show y'all how it works.The Test:Attacker has 100% accuracy and 30% crit rateDefender has 0% evasion, 50% block, and 50% parryI attacked 302 times with basic melee attackExpected Results:0% attacks evaded (defender has no evasion)50% of attacks blocked (50% block rate)25% of attacks parried (because it's parrying 50% of the 50% that weren't blocked)25% attacks hit the target (100 x 50% x 50%)30% of the attacks that hit are crits (30% crit rate)Actual Results:0% attacks were evaded48% of attacks were blocked25% of attacks were parried27% attacks hit the target33% of the attacks that hit were critsSo there you have it! Not exaaaaactly 100% on the money, but good enough for me to be confident in the current tooltips. You could do a more exhaustive test if you'd like, but that should give you a pretty fair idea of how effective mitigation is in 4.5Hope that helps!-Quill