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Guest 1:13 pm, March 30, 2018
What will be the size of the update?
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Guest 5:01 pm, March 29, 2018
Returning player downloaded game again last night 28th. I have **** timing
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Guest 10:30 am, March 9, 2018
i'm having same issue.. i bought one in EU server then it let me buy again in NA but don't let me place it and is untradable :( they should not let buy in first place if you can't do anything with it...
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Guest 1:54 am, May 8, 2017
Trion u **** . I create new Acc in your siite (game : Archeage) . I download and start the game and what ? u was diisconnected by admin ( iin chat was write " ... banned" ... . This game **** .
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Guest 12:12 pm, February 27, 2017
This is my 2nd Guild event we get from Mirage where my character is not recognized as Guild master, irtt says I am member and didn't give me teh quills. I am fed-up of all these buggy events. I have been guild leader for more than 1 year. so it should really recon me in teh game system and give me all the material in event what leaders receive. This is on Anthalon Nuia, on NA I have character also guild leader and I got them all normally. So please fix this. It's not for me but for all others. I am leaving I came to my limits with all changes and bugs, I have been paying 2 accounts and for what? Not even being able to do all game content. So why shoudl I pay for bugs what are not fixed?
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Guest 3:15 am, December 15, 2016
Can not log in. I hit play the screen changes to poem scream gets half way through and poof all gone. Any help with this can't log in in 3 days since 3.0 came out
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Guest 3:37 pm, December 9, 2016
TRION eventually admitted I was not at fault. When they did, the banned me. They stated they are refunding the funds. They deleted this thread from the forums, but it is here for public awareness as they stated repeatedly, by multiple GMs that I was at fault:

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Guest 3:29 pm, November 14, 2016
Commands have been down for days already :( why has fluffy abandoned us so soon
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Guest 8:30 pm, October 16, 2016
Hey Celestrata, please make sure when the Fresh start server opens up and the users make new accounts to join, that these accounts would not be possible to use in creation of any character on the old servers. That will null the effect of Fresh Start concept. It will just make it possible for the rich player to be overpowered compared to other players, and that is not the right way to see for that everyone has the same start. This is the concern for many players who want to restart from scratch knowing that no one will have advantages from other characters in the game. Give the fair chance to everyone just as you have promised, see for it till the end with no exceptions. Thank you for the great job you do <3
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Guest 10:46 pm, July 7, 2016
Load new directx (vers 11)
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Guest 5:51 pm, March 17, 2016
This is a joke I have no Glyph file to delete because that file can't be downloaded because it says it is CORRUPTED... so I will lose land because of this and if I lose land because your game has downloading issues, you will lose a paying costumer.. Nice costumer service.. If you are still on steam I will just go talk to the people at steam...sigh
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Guest 5:31 pm, March 8, 2016
will be that could inform the version I by the ISTORY here bugou and is asking to download the whole ArcheAge again 10gb and a lot to be able to tell I thank you.
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Guest 1:35 pm, January 10, 2016
when i tryen del a character why wont it show timer above the char till its deleted?
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Guest 4:49 am, December 28, 2015
When following the link your taken to a page that is used to download windows 10. I already am on windows 10 is there another fix?
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Guest 6:43 pm, December 11, 2015
after deleting game_pak and clearing bin, then restarting glyph, glyph did not attempt to update at all
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Guest 9:11 am, October 29, 2015
BS.... i don't even have a system.cfg file
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Guest 2:05 am, October 2, 2015
Thank you so much for helping me with this problem. I tried deleting it one time and that didnt work and then I re installed it like 5 times. When I came upon this I thought it was so easy and I just wanna thank you for helping me.
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Guest 7:09 am, September 25, 2015
Please, why your link makes me download window 10?
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Guest 6:37 am, August 18, 2015
for me is basically, i can accept one, and i cant accept the next one until the one i open is completed, i can chose whichever to open, its just i have to complete that one i chose before i can open another
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Guest 4:34 am, August 15, 2015
the only thing that will work is leaving that black screen untouched after selecting character for how ever long it takes you to get kicked off for afk'ing (what I did was leave game closed for 11 minutes, after that leave black screen after character select as it is and played another game while not even opening that window as it might reset your afk kick timer once you think you've waited lon enough and should be kicked off for afk'ing with the usual error message just click the centre of where the pop-up should be to sleect "OK, or CLOSE" which will close the game if correctly pressed on message I know its black and it might be hard to hit it first try just keep mouse clickin to accept the afk kick message and relogin worked for me contact their support
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Guest 1:47 am, August 5, 2015
well, i'm not a bot and got banned
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Guest 4:57 am, July 29, 2015
i am having this problem but on 7/28/2015 after the update it didn't let me open the trove window so i deleted the glyph files and re downloaded them but they got stuck on finishing
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Guest 12:41 am, July 17, 2015
I had this same issue. I had to allow the programs through Norton and then I had to uninstall glyph, restart my computer, then reinstall glyph. I was able to do the updates then and play. Hope this helps you.
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Guest 3:01 am, June 26, 2015
Well, I was going to happily try a new Trion game, but I can't seem to be able to stay online for more than 5 minutes... lucky if I can get a portion of the noobie quests done before i get this message. Oh well... Until they figure out why so many people start leaving their games because of their connection issues, we all get to suffer. And it's sad. I really really enjoyed the character creator.
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Guest 5:13 am, June 15, 2015
I see a new bot everyday. This problem is only getting worse
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Guest 8:53 pm, June 12, 2015
It's not working. :( (I know this is a little late) It says it can't find any existing file by that name. I use windows 7.
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Guest 10:01 pm, May 24, 2015
yeah, same happend to hundreds of friends, its rly annoying, people is stuck on the main menu watching a whale go around for hours... its really dissapointing
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Guest 12:36 am, April 29, 2015
ban squinthemp
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Guest 10:50 pm, April 12, 2015
logged into my account and i have no Spring Gift option :/
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Guest 8:37 am, April 10, 2015
anyone help me plz =( i am having that problem too ( failed to load game dll )
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Guest 5:41 pm, January 25, 2015
i recently downloaded the game on 1/20/15 - and i am constantly getting a "gods have disconnected me, check network etc" -- when i went in to read about possible fixes ive noticed this has been around for months...any fixes cause i cant seem to get it to work.
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Guest 8:22 pm, January 22, 2015
I cant play, over every maintenance I cant play. After the selection of a server I get black screen with gods have disconnected you. EVERY MAINTENACE!! Can you give me a solution??
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Guest 12:28 am, December 22, 2014
Everytime I try and log in to ArcheAge it constantly says that I am logging in from a different computer or location. THen it makes me go to me email, get a code, then I can play. Its just so annoying have to do this EVERYTIME i want to play. Is there anyway to make this stop? I even created a new email account thinking that might help but it doesnt.
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Guest 11:34 pm, November 22, 2014
I think the only thing you can do is send a ticket. Seems to be a common issue.
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Guest 11:51 pm, November 21, 2014
anyone can help me? Archeage Error - "Failed to load game data!" HELP ME PLZZZZZZZZ
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Guest 11:24 pm, November 21, 2014
hey i have error ...Failing to load game data?
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Guest 4:24 pm, November 21, 2014
so ****** you didnt even broadcast this maintenance to warn people of incoming server downtime. You just made me lost all my ladders as I didnt have time to choose the ingredients before your stupid game offline again!
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Guest 4:08 pm, November 21, 2014
you should actually broadcast next time
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Guest 10:38 am, November 17, 2014
Not like we could buy credits anyway.
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Guest 6:09 am, November 16, 2014
To bad I got banned for no reason just yesterday unistalled never trying again
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Guest 12:10 am, November 10, 2014
Sorry but as a founder I was advised there would be a 10% discount for market place purchases and as a result I purchased an Archeum founders pack. I understand problems with servers, patches etc which although should be checked before going live can throw up problems which are unexpected. This move however just appears to be a deliberate decision not to honour the package as it was advertised and sold. I am seriously considering my position. Please do the moral thing and give me what you promised and I paid for. Thank you John
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Guest 5:45 am, October 23, 2014
i dont have a single freaking clue. i hope they or we can get it fixed soon, cause i've been waiting for a very, very, very long time. very.
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Guest 2:56 am, October 23, 2014
Yeah we slaughtered the kraken haha! ~Mythic
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Guest 9:55 pm, October 22, 2014
Did you find your screenshots? I can't find mine either.
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Guest 6:03 am, October 22, 2014
it seems to be loading rly slow, sometimes it takes 20 mins for all the words to highlight and the game to launch...I usually go for a smoke. it rly seems to bog down my comp at this stage help from trion support as I don't get any error msgs
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Guest 5:12 pm, October 21, 2014
For East you need to go to Enza for Charcoal, Cinderstone for Crystal, and Crescent Throne for Rock Salt. For West you go to Austere for Charcoal. Not sure about the other two. I assume Ynyestra is one of them. For Both Freedich gets you Dragon Stabalizers.
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Guest 2:26 am, October 21, 2014
same problem here
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Guest 7:33 am, October 19, 2014
the hack shield doesnt block auto clickers so they can use those to instantly press the build button and confirm.
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Guest 6:59 pm, October 18, 2014
lag also in NA it suckss hard all weekend
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Guest 4:08 am, October 18, 2014
Cause atm the level cap is still 50 and not 55. So that's why only 23 points
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Guest 1:19 am, October 17, 2014
Any special perks you get for such feat?
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Guest 9:46 pm, October 14, 2014
This was happening to me as well. I had tried every little trick in the book, that others suggested. Then I found this: the fix that worked for me was the one concerning "Microsoft Security Essentials" Once I tried this method, game launches in 45 sec.
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Guest 4:47 pm, October 12, 2014
If its not in the korean version its not going to be in the english version. End of story.
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Guest 4:45 pm, October 12, 2014
What a waste of time
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Guest 4:37 pm, October 12, 2014
No one cares.
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Guest 4:32 pm, October 12, 2014
US servers are having the same problem
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Guest 4:29 pm, October 12, 2014
Level 50 is the best armor
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Guest 9:54 am, October 12, 2014
welp, this is awkward seeing my twitch name in one of the photos.
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Guest 6:00 pm, October 11, 2014
I found one off the coast freedich. They glow like a tiny star you can't miss them. I think I was just really lucky. I can't offer any insure on how to farm them.
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Guest 11:04 pm, October 10, 2014
you get that error when the payment doesn't go through. either your paypal info is incorrect or not accepting the transaction and the same goes with your cc
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Guest 9:35 pm, October 10, 2014
Can't even buff yourself in a peace zone, or barrel roll/boost on your glider. The safe zone limits are stupidly strict...
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Guest 2:41 am, October 9, 2014
Can you put it in medium/large zones?
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Guest 1:28 am, October 8, 2014
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Guest 7:12 pm, October 7, 2014
does no one know the answer to this? I assume it's some bs like a $150 founders back perk.
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Guest 6:02 pm, October 7, 2014
Since I don't have the items yet to test it fully, I can tell you it can be over 100%. The gear with crit dmg increase depending on the grade/tier also, the higher the crit dmg % as well so that's another factor. It can be very high maybe even 150%-200%.
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Guest 5:33 am, October 7, 2014
any livestock will work you need to butcher, then right click the meat to make trimmed meat. Grapes grow on tress, you pick them. If you are patron you plant them on your garden, if your f2p you find illegal farms. You can also get everything off the auction house.
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Guest 9:06 pm, October 6, 2014
I also made ​​this mask.
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Guest 7:35 am, October 6, 2014
just delete the archeage cache folder in my documents
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Guest 7:05 pm, October 5, 2014
Looks like 3D options to me, maybe you gotta change that somewhere
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Guest 5:46 pm, October 5, 2014
Same thing happened to me. Not sure
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Guest 10:36 am, October 5, 2014
any link to the .png files?
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Guest 5:18 am, October 5, 2014
I get the same thing. Most of the time I PvP I lag for like 2 seconds here and there. Happens sometimes in dungeons too, but PvP is worse since you die if you're not on point and gets me really upset. I'm on Ezi server. I've read somewhere switching to DX9 helps, but hope not to lose out on visuals on my beefed up PC.
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Guest 6:35 pm, October 4, 2014
Im getting the same error :-/
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Guest 5:21 pm, October 4, 2014
I completely agree.
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Guest 3:49 pm, October 4, 2014
so we can't pruchase credits?
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Guest 10:47 pm, October 3, 2014
Thank you, this guide was really helpful! I had some knowledge of Archeage going in... but starting off as a new player without any friends, I was a little confused about some things. This cleared things up perfectly though! :D My thanks again.
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Guest 8:45 pm, October 3, 2014
I'm getting the same thing ! How do we fix this ?
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Guest 7:35 pm, October 3, 2014
I'm having the exact same issue. I've been able to get about 12 hours of game time in then I logged off yesterday and came back a few hours later to the issue. You should be able to email them at I believe, I haven't gotten a response other than we'll contact you within 24 hours
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Guest 5:59 pm, October 3, 2014
It's a place for house... Farmhouse is considered to be a farm =)
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Guest 3:59 pm, October 3, 2014
******* cheater
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Guest 9:01 pm, October 2, 2014
been having the same issue
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Guest 8:52 am, October 2, 2014
Happening to me too.
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Guest 6:25 am, October 2, 2014
Username on AA Lemonadeo
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Guest 6:23 am, October 2, 2014
Where abouts? How much?
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Guest 7:34 pm, September 28, 2014
Same problem, except I do not even make it that far. I think it has something to do with the Hackclient. It's very faulty. I reinstalled and it worked, then when I rebooted my computer, broken again. From what I am hearing from the que times, this game is seeming to be bad with failed launcher/que times. Looked good too, but oh well. Back to FFXIV.
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Guest 5:33 am, September 28, 2014
Aye, really archeages guild system is extremely basic and needs more depth into, even though this game is definitely built for guilds.
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Guest 4:00 pm, September 27, 2014
Yeah, i'm running win8.1 defender, and this game is crashing since 1.2. Its actually bring down my entire computer. Only application thats done anything like this. I launch the game (hit play in Glyph) the system resources and disc hits spike. System resource monitor is stating its defender, so I excluded that directory and seems to be running better. I'll report back if the crashes continue.
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Guest 1:26 am, September 25, 2014
I am in the same boat, still waiting on my patron status to kick in. No response yet on the so-called "help ticket" .
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Guest 7:15 pm, September 24, 2014
are you playing on NA/EU servers cuz they dont have 55 cap yet
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Guest 9:29 pm, September 23, 2014
sorry but there is nothing you can do :(
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Guest 3:17 pm, September 23, 2014
Yeah, me too
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Guest 1:10 am, September 23, 2014 it seems great to leveling
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Guest 1:08 am, September 23, 2014
It seems good, but why you just used 23 points of 28 ? look this
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Guest 3:21 am, September 22, 2014
Did you drop any soap?
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Guest 7:11 pm, September 21, 2014
I Smell another defiance INC
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Guest 7:10 pm, September 21, 2014
Moderators day off? That doesnt seem like a good idea in light of all the issues with the game.
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Guest 2:41 am, October 9, 2014
Can you put it in medium/large zones?
Guest 11:04 pm, October 10, 2014
you get that error when the payment doesn't go through. either your paypal info is incorrect or not accepting the transaction and the same goes with your cc
Guest 9:35 pm, October 10, 2014
Can't even buff yourself in a peace zone, or barrel roll/boost on your glider. The safe zone limits are stupidly strict...
Guest 9:11 am, October 29, 2015
BS.... i don't even have a system.cfg file
Guest 7:09 am, September 25, 2015
Please, why your link makes me download window 10?
Guest 8:22 pm, January 22, 2015
I cant play, over every maintenance I cant play. After the selection of a server I get black screen with gods have disconnected you. EVERY MAINTENACE!! Can you give me a solution??
Guest 12:32 am, September 12, 2014
You don't want to keep mashing the songs, that'll eat your mana like crazy. Give them time to fulfill they're entire duration.
Guest 5:01 pm, March 29, 2018
Returning player downloaded game again last night 28th. I have **** timing
Guest 5:51 pm, March 17, 2016
This is a joke I have no Glyph file to delete because that file can't be downloaded because it says it is CORRUPTED... so I will lose land because of this and if I lose land because your game has downloading issues, you will lose a paying costumer.. Nice costumer service.. If you are still on steam I will just go talk to the people at steam...sigh
Guest 6:43 pm, December 11, 2015
after deleting game_pak and clearing bin, then restarting glyph, glyph did not attempt to update at all
Guest 4:34 am, August 15, 2015
the only thing that will work is leaving that black screen untouched after selecting character for how ever long it takes you to get kicked off for afk'ing (what I did was leave game closed for 11 minutes, after that leave black screen after character select as it is and played another game while not even opening that window as it might reset your afk kick timer once you think you've waited lon enough and should be kicked off for afk'ing with the usual error message just click the centre of where the pop-up should be to sleect "OK, or CLOSE" which will close the game if correctly pressed on message I know its black and it might be hard to hit it first try just keep mouse clickin to accept the afk kick message and relogin worked for me contact their support
Guest 3:01 am, June 26, 2015
Well, I was going to happily try a new Trion game, but I can't seem to be able to stay online for more than 5 minutes... lucky if I can get a portion of the noobie quests done before i get this message. Oh well... Until they figure out why so many people start leaving their games because of their connection issues, we all get to suffer. And it's sad. I really really enjoyed the character creator.
Guest 6:09 am, November 16, 2014
To bad I got banned for no reason just yesterday unistalled never trying again
Guest 3:21 am, September 22, 2014
Did you drop any soap?
Guest 1:41 pm, September 21, 2014
I have the same problem, I got one from a quest, but after 10 minutes of playing it just randomly dissapeared. The same goes for a saddle i got, it is just completely gone..
Guest 1:43 pm, September 14, 2014
Only thing I can gather mate, is to just close the game,log out of glyph and close glyph, and then restart/log in again. It's when you play for an extended amount of time you're computer fills up with too much memory, basically restarting the game and glyph resets the memory, and should go back to normal again, until they fix it though it's unfortunately the only way to live through the memory leak.
Guest 2:51 pm, September 13, 2014
I cannot get on either as of this morning, September 13th. I cannot access Trion support either. Will post if a solution is found
Guest 3:15 am, September 11, 2014
If you want to be a pirate it is far better to have the house on growl gate island as there are pirate craters etc there. Freedich is pretty empty except for trade pack turn ins.
Guest 11:53 pm, August 12, 2014
My friend got one key from Someone else can confirm?

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